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Prepare NOW for a Tornado

Know the warning signs. Understanding tornado terminology will help you anticipate their risk. According to the American Red Cross, “Tornado Watch” indicates that tornadoes are possible, while “Tornado Warning” confirms a tornado has been seen or detected. Tornadoes can form without much warning, but there are danger signs to look for:


  • Dark skies, possibly tinted green

  • A long, rotating cloud, known as a funnel

  • Roaring noises

  • Hail

  • Debris


If you see these signs and a tornado watch or warning has been issued in your area, take shelter immediately!

Designate A Shelter. Establish shelter zones at home and work. If your home or office has a safe room, you already have a designated emergency shelter. If not, look for a secure place underground, like a basement or cellar. If these options aren’t available, choose a small room without windows, such as a closet, on the lowest level of the structure. Once you designate a safe space, create an emergency kit to keep in the shelter so you’ll have it on hand if you ever need to wait out a tornado.

Make An Emergency Kit. These kits tend to include canned food, bottled water, essential medications, blankets, a radio, flashlights, and batteries. Keep a change of clothes, a coat, and spare shoes in your shelter, too. That way, you’ll have everything you need if you have to hurry to safety without packing a bag.

Practice Your Tornado Preparedness Plan. At home, make a family emergency plan and have a conversation with your loved ones about the importance of being prepared. At work, contact your Human Resources department to learn the safety procedures for tornados and other disasters, or use the guidelines from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) to create a tornado response plan for your business. Make sure you practice your disaster response plans. Regular drills help everyone learn the safety procedures for tornadoes and they let you test and tweak your plan so you can be better prepared in a real emergency.